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Why does your Sponsorship matter?

Elizabeth Livingston

Aloya with her elder sister Abiya

Here’s the story of a sweet little Aloya from a small village of Thootamoola, Wayanad, Kerala where Yuva CDC is located.

Seeing her elder sister Abiya attending Yuva CDC and having many friends and fun activities, little Aloya insisted her mom to send her to CDC along with her sister. She was 7 years old when she joined. She was very shy and introvert girl who only spoke through her sweet smile. Soon Aloya found the place very friendly and in few months’ time she began to mingle with everyone and participate in all activities.

Aloya lives with her parents, grandparents and two sisters. Her father is a Farmer. Her mother is suffering from psychological disorder and always struggles to take good care of her children due to her illness.

Coming from a disturbing family background, Aloya always found Yuva CDC

a secured place for her to widen her tiny wings little more, to laugh, to dance, to play, to learn and to be herself.

But there was something missing…

Her sister Abiya had someone called “Sponsor” for whom she prayed, wrote letters and received letters too but Aloya didn't.

Aloya too longed to have a Sponsor – someone whom she can call her own!

She began to pray to get a sponsor for her as she was taught by the staff to pray.

In October, 2016, little Aloya’s prayer was answered and she got a sponsor from million miles away but closer to her heart. After reading Aloya’s profile, her sponsor selected her and wished to see little Aloya become everything God wants her to be.

Aloya’s joy had no bound when she knew she has a sponsor too!

She is happy to know someone far away cares for her, for her dreams and for her happiness.

At present, she studies in 5th Std and performs very well in School. Her ambition is to be a Doctor when she grows up.

She is active in Project Activities and loves to pray and listen to Bible stories

She has many friends at the Center....

She receives nutritious meals at the Project to keep her healthy and growing.

Through her Sponsor’s kind help, prayer and caring relationship Aloya can dream big, live well, eat healthy, have a provision for all her needs and have a secured future. Moreover she knows about Jesus who loves her much and answers her prayers too!

Like Aloya, there are many little hearts at Yuva CDC, praying to get sponsors for them. Most of them are tribal children who come from extremely poor families.

Your sponsorship matters!


  • By sponsoring a child in need, you will not only support him/her with your financial help but with your prayers, relationship and with the love of God.

  • Your sponsorship for a child can make a huge difference and help them feel they are loved, accepted, cared and prayed for by someone far away.

  • Your sponsorship can also help the Organization sustain each child’s well-being by providing healthy & balanced meals, education, medical care and most of all to give them warm welcome in the CDC family.

  • All the children come from extremely poor family. Their parents are addicted to alcohol and tobacco.

  • They are uneducated and doesn’t understand the value of education.

  • Their ignorance has negative effects on the child as he/she is not motivated by them to go school or study well.

  • Through your support the child is given opportunity to learn, grow and get encouraged for his/her education in the Child Development Center.

  • His/her God-given gifts and potentials are being nurtured by the loving and encouraging support of our staffs.

  • When the child becomes part of CDC, his/her parents also become a part of it.

  • They can attend parents meetings and have classes on education, hygiene, health and safety awareness and moral values.

  • Thus, your small gift of love every month will impact the life of child, his/her family and their community as well.

Your sponsorship gives value, love, care, dignity, acceptance to a precious little child who is struggling in poverty and its painful strokes. Your sponsorship matters; to offer a hope of Jesus to the suffering world. Will you join us in this beautiful journey?

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